I’ve waited for this day with great enthusiasm… and it started very early. I had no control over the weather, but apparently the gods were on my side. The sun was shining and it was one of the first warm days of the year.
My home story for luxury kitchen manufacturer Siematic was finally getting real and another dream came true… After moving into our house a few years ago, my husband and I fulfilled a big dream and treated ourselves to a high quality kitchen. As people who love to cook and spend a lot of time together in the kitchen, it was always clear that such an investment was only logical. Although I have to admit that my husband is the cook and loves to cook for me over a glass of wine.
The fotoshoot lasted all day long and the atmosphere was very good. And we didn’t only take pictures and searched for the perfect poses, but we also cooked and ate delicious pasta dishes together. And I think the result is impressive, right?
